We made two appointments in February as we continue to prepare for the Thames Tideway Tunnel project (TTT).
After a two and a half year stint as harbour master (upper), Terry Lawrence was appointed as TTT harbour master. Mark Towens stepped up from deputy harbour master position (upper) to replace him.
As TTT harbour master, Terry provides a dedicated expert marine resource for this major infrastructure project. Prior to joining the PLA in 2009, Terry held senior shore management positions at Maersk and Teekay and spent nine years as master and pilotage exemption certificate holder to various terminals on the Thames and Medway.
Mark joined the PLA as an apprentice in 1999, becoming a Freeman of the
of Watermen & Lightermen in 2004. He subsequently worked as a marine surveyor in the PLA’s vessel licensing department, before moving into the harbour master’s department, initially as deputy harbour master (safety management system), and latterly deputy harbour master (upper) in 2012.