Port of London Authority






> Cruise ship christening
   – a new Thames record

> Time to talk – our Annual
   Stakeholder Forum

> Breaking the hound
   barrier – flood defence
   dog rescue

> The AHOY Centre

> Rib Masters fined
   for river offences

> How London schoolkids
   learn about their river

> Booking a container?
   There’s an app for that

> Thames Oilport –
   a facility reborn

> Here comes the fun
   – summer recreation
   on the Thames

> Thames Skills Academy

Bin it, for a Cleaner Thames

It’s 400 years since our
greatest-ever writer died and his
life has been celebrated by a spectacular screening of 37 films along the River Thames.

Thousands of London tourists and literary aficionados flocked to separate screens along the banks of the Thames for a gala event in

the wet and wind: The Complete Walk. It featured 37 specially
made 10-minute films between Westminster Bridge and Tower Bridge.

Representing snippets of every Shakespeare play, the films starred some of the biggest names of the British screen and stage and drew

visitors from all over the UK and beyond. They were invited to walk to each screen in turn and soak up the atmosphere and were guided by a map provided by The Globe Theatre on Southbank.






Port of London Authority, London River House, Royal Pier Road, Gravesend, Kent DA12 2BG. +44 (0) 1474 562200
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