Port of London Authority






> Cruise ship christening
   – a new Thames record

> Time to talk – our Annual
   Stakeholder Forum

> Breaking the hound
   barrier – flood defence
   dog rescue

> The AHOY Centre

> Rib Masters fined
   for river offences

> How London school
   kids learn about
   their river

> Booking a container?
   There’s an app for that

> Thames Oilport –
   a facility reborn

> Here comes the fun
   – summer recreation
   on the Thames

> Thames Skills Academy

Bin it, for a Cleaner Thames

Our annual Stakeholder Forum, held at IET London, Savoy Place, attracted more than 100 people keen to find out more about developments on the Thames and at the PLA.

Hosted by PLA chairman Christopher Rodrigues, the event involved a formal presentation of PLA performance in the past year, as well river and safety developments, before the floor was opened for questions. Attending the Forum were London borough councilors, major terminal

operators, passenger boat
and barge company owners, Tideway contractors,
rowers, event organisers and many more.

Our chairman underlined the evolution of the PLA through
the Thames Vision project
over the past 18 months,
a project that has clearly established the PLA as Custodians of the Tidal
Thames. He introduced a new
film, The Many Faces of the Thames Today, which showcases enjoyment of the river both
afloat and on its busy banks.

Topics covered in the Q&A
session included Thames Vision, visitor moorings, wash from passing boats and houseboat mooring fees. Many guests stayed on after the formal session to catch up with PLA staff and other river contacts.

Our chief executive Robin
Mortimer said: “This is the second time we’ve made the Forum open to all and the response was fantastic. It’s great to have chance to talk to people one to one about the work that we do, what’s happening on the river and
what the future might hold. The enthusiasm of everyone in the room for the Thames shone through.”

To find out more and hear what guests thought, watch our latest film below.







Port of London Authority, London River House, Royal Pier Road, Gravesend, Kent DA12 2BG. +44 (0) 1474 562200
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