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On 12 September, the Government announced it had given planning consent to the £4.2 billion Thames Tideway Tunnel scheme. This announcement marked the end of the 'planning' phase for the scheme, in which we have been extensively involved for more than five years.


We now move into a consenting phase, with our Harbour Master (Thames Tideway Tunnel) and the planning and environment team set to assess extensive and comprehensive licence applications for construction sites in the river.


PLA harbour masters have alerted navigators of leisure craft on the Thames to plan their trips thoroughly, taking into account that the river is fast flowing with strong tidal sets and currents, especially in bights on the river like the one at Hammersmith.

Recently a narrow boat was taken by the tide and trapped on barges moored alongside Dove Pier. Fortunately everyone on board was safely taken ashore and the vessel suffered only minor damage. There have been a number of incidents and near misses by recreational vessels at this location over the past couple of years.



One of the oldest sporting events in history, The Race for Doggett's Coat and Badge, was held on the Thames for the 300th time in July. Keeping up a family tradition, the race was won by City Cruises captain, Harry McCarthy, 22 – his father took the honours 30 years ago and his uncle in 1992. The event started from London Bridge, and finished at Cadogan Pier in Chelsea,


where Harry was presented with a bottle of champagne by His Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh, who started following the race 60 years ago. Sponsored by Thames Tideway Tunnel, the race is only open to those under the age of 26 who, in the previous three years, have completed the Company of Watermen & Lightermen apprenticeship.


Port of London Authority, London River House, Royal Pier Road, Gravesend, Kent DA12 2BG. +44 (0) 1474 562200
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